Morning coffee with Surya Namaskar & its benefits
Surya Namaskar and Surya Namaskar benefits is credited to the old Indian ancient form of offering Salute to the Sun has been a ethical practice of yoga dharma started on as a method to revitalize your body with a sequence of exactly twelve carved yoga exercises i.e. asanas to give a righteous self control of mind and possession of base fitness for one's soul and body. The asana sequence were recorded as yoga in the early 20th century with same exercises being in used in India among wrestlers. The first and the utmost basic sequence involves moving from a standing position into Downward and Upward mediating dog poses and then back to the standing position, with numerous variations. These set of 12 asanas which are considered to be elixir for longer life has been dedicated to the Hindu God Surya. The asanas carried out in different positions are in accordance carried out with use of different mantra.
Surya namaskar benefits has been the most popular among the masses of India and is being accepted widely by western countries like USA as a pure joy of mental youthfulness and maintaining high self spirit. Surya namaskar benefits are numerous and is the best way to keep one's mind and spirit active throughout life.
Surya Namaskar is a practice made up of around twelve yoga asanas postures connected by jump, stretch and revolve up down movements, these postures are highly beneficial for the body and mind these postures work on every muscle of your body and does a great work of strengthening them. In typical Yoga, the basic sequence is Tadasana, Urdhva Hastasana, Uttanasana, Uttanasana with head up, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Chaturanga Dandasana, and then reversing the whole sequence as to return to Tadasana; other poses can be inserted into these sequence and the benefits can be felt while doing these asanas as one can feel the activeness in mind and flexibility in body.
In the ancient practiced Yoga, we produce and teach two Surya Namaskar sequences, types 1 and 2, as follows:
Surya namaskar benefit yoga type 1: The sequence followed is Pranamasana, Urdhva Hastasana, Uttanasana, Phalakasana (high plank), Chaturanga Dandasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Uttanasana and back to Pranamasana.
Surya namaskar benefit yoga type 2: The type 2 sequence differs a bit with Pranamasana, Utkatasana, Uttanasana, Ardha Uttanasana, Phalakasana, Chaturanga Dandasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Virabhadrasana, repeat from Phalakasana onwards with Virabhadrasana on the other side, then repeat Phalakasana through to Adho Mukha Svanasana (a third time), Ardha Uttanasana, Uttanasana, Utkatasana, and back to Pranamasana.
Surya Namaskar benefits: How much to do
The vitality cost of activity is estimated in units of metabolic likeness task (MET). Under 3 METs considers light exercise; 3 to 6 METs is moderate; 6 or over is energetic. American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association rules check times of in any event 10 minutes of moderate MET level action towards their prescribed day by day measures of activity. For solid grown-ups matured 18 to 65, the rules suggest moderate exercise for 30 minutes five days per week, or vivacious vigorous exercise for 20 minutes three days every week.
Surya Namaskar's benifits and vitality cost runs broadly as per how vivaciously it is drilled, from a light 2.9 to an overwhelming 7.4 METs. The higher finish of the range requires change hops between the postures.
Surya namaskar benefits: Muscle strengthening
A detailed analysis indicated that these different asanas activated particular groups of active body muscles, varying with the skill of the practitioners, from beginner to instructor.
The body muscles get strengthen very fast with stretching and redoing surya Namaskar's asanas the body develops core muscles.
With each repetitive process and redoing of surya namaskar's asanas the development of core body and strength of biceps legs and back gets amazing.
It makes the leg stronger and overall body much more flexible as the muscle mass encore strengthens.
Surya namaskar benefits : Mind activenes and stress relief.
All these asanas radiates within the body nerves and requires utmost focus of our mind as the nerves are in role play the neurons release chemicals which makes the mind stress free and creates a mental modification of presensed duties.
The mind gets ample amount of oxygen and thus it's functioning gets amazing. With such high mind alertness your focus tends to increase over time and you get active in work and everyday life.
Surya Namaskar's benefits: Health and heart safety
No doubt the Surya Namaskar benefits are immense and the most important effect it does on your life is by making you more healthy as rigorous practice of surya namaskar helps control blood sugar levels and fights disease like diabetes as the cholesterol level is taken care of with high endorphins realise the stress level is under control which helps prevent blood pressure health effects.
The body strengthens its immune system and daily functioning and thus makes your mood elevated and happy the best thing is it keeps your heart healthy by pumping more bloodstream due rigorous exercise of surya namaskar the blood is throughly rendered and renewed so your body produces enough white blood cells to keep you distress and disease free.
Surya Namaskar's benefits: Face and beauty maintained
With constant release of antioxidants and other chemicals the body stays fit and with the blood refined your face glows naturally more than ever as it shows more functionality of activeness the stress and depression release from body helps maintain the typical simple happy smile on your face which makes you look more attractive and charming.
The toned body of any surya Namaskar's practitioner gives him an added confidence and makes the inner confidence glow with assertion.
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