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Monday, March 30, 2020

Avoid coffee during Coronavirus pandemic

Avoid coffee  during Coronavirus pandemic 

What is Coronavirus ?

Coronaviruses are a gathering of related infections that cause sicknesses in warm blooded animals and winged creatures. In 
humans the deadly virus or the group of these coronaviruses cause respiratory tract diseases that can be of mild soft nature at start and hard to detect which can cause a deadly effect to body at later stages if not detected, for example, a few instances of the normal cold (among other potential causes, prevalently rhinoviruses), and others that can be deadly, for example, SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Indications in different species shift: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract infection, while in dairy animals and pigs they cause looseness of the bowels. There are yet to be immunizations or antiviral medications to forestall or treat human coronavirus contaminations.

How much coffee should I be drinking coffee during the corona virus Lockdown ?

Anything done under limit has its own benifits if done correctly and same goes with your beloved coffee a moderate consumption of coffee has some good health effects. 

Image credits wikipedia 

Positive health effects of low coffee consumption  are as follows :

1) Increased alertness : Whatever it is you do when you do it with high alertness you're gonna do your best so a moderate consumption of coffee for increased alertness is good. 

2) Increased metabolism : it's good for fat burning but in moderation as high overdose causes vitamin deficiency.

3) Good feeling : It causes your mind to feel high and elevated jumping up your mood. 

4) Muscle strength : Helps loosen body flab and muscle strengthening.

Even if coffee is a beloved drink and we all love to have it but the caffeine content in your coffee makes a big difference to your health  which is not in a good way. 

Image credits: wikipedia

Adverse health effects of high coffee consumption  are as follows :

1) Heart disease : More than 3 cups of coffee has been the utter cause of high mortality rate in men its the main cause of a heart disease.
It's a known fact and has been approved by WHO (world health organisation)  that Corona or COVID-19  is deadly for person suffering from heart disease. 

2) High blood pressure : A high blood pressure is an adverse health issue and during Coronavirus pandemic already everyone's blood pressure is boiling due to anxiety.

3) Indigestion : indigestion causes various stomach issues leading to acidity which cause body immunity weak and and weak immunity is yet another reason for the deadly Corona COVID-19 effect.

4) Insomnia : Sleep deprivation leads to anxiety depression and increased health  problems  which makes the respiratory disease attack worse. 

5) Nutrition vitamin deficiency : Coffee leads to an increased rate of vitamin deficiency in human body which makes the immune system weaker hence a greater risk of COVID-19 Coronavirus deadly effect.

The list goes wide but these are some reasons to avoid drinking coffee during Coronavirus pandemic and lockdown period as we do love coffee but coffee does not loves us back any thing which can cause even a slight immune difference right now to your body must be avoided. 

Our Answer :

Low and moderate consumption of coffee is good enough but still you should avoid coffee consumption during the pop Coronavirus pandemic as the adverse effects are not so good either so drink water or boiled water that's good in current situation.

For greater knowledge about checking if you have Corona virus visit here

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